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Scripture of the day (06.01.21)

01 Jun 2021, Posted by BoB in All Posts, Spiritual Talk

The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.   1...

Quote of the day (05.21.21)

21 May 2021, Posted by BoB in All Posts, Favorite Quotes

A woman simply is, but a man must become. Masculinity is risky and elusive. It is achieved by a revolt from woman, and it is confirmed only by other men.   Manhood coerced into sensitivity is no manhood at all.   ~ Camille Paglia ...

A Few Golden Nuggets (I heard recently)

20 May 2021, Posted by BoB in All Posts, Favorite Quotes

•When one door closes, another one opens but you have to make it through the hell in the hallway •Inside every person there are two "Lions" One is all things good: Compassion, honor, trust, confidence One is all things evil: Fear, shame, self-destruction, anger Which one wins? The one you feed! •Altar your...

SQS Message Retrieval (File Based)

20 May 2021, Posted by BoB in All Posts, Computer Talk

First, thank you to Tamás Sallai for getting me on the right track. I originally started building this script with "for msg in `aws sqs receive-message --queue-url $QUEUE_URL --max-number-of-messages 10`" but then came across his post. For those struggling with this right now hope it...

Christian Music Shift

22 Nov 2016, Posted by BoB in All Posts, Personal Topics, Spiritual Talk

For those that came up in an era where Christian music was not all that appealing compared to Hip-Hop and other genres. Those days are over thanks to pioneers like these. Feedback is welcome. Lyrics: Bizzle All this fakin' got me feelin' out my element If you aint live through...

Alt Keyboard Cuts

15 Jun 2015, Posted by BoB in All Posts, Computer Talk {border:1px solid;width:100%;} {border:1px solid;width:50%;padding:10px;vertical-align:top;font-weight:bold;font-size:16px;} {border:1px solid;width:50%;padding:10px;vertical-align:top;height:40px;} By holding the ALT key and pressing a series of numbers, the following symbols can be output as text...