bashorun Tag

The Covenant

04 Jun 2013, Posted by BoB in All Posts, Personal Topics, Spiritual Talk {border:1px solid;width:270px;} {border:1px solid;padding:10px;vertical-align:top;font-weight:bold;font-size:16px;} {border:1px solid;padding:10px;vertical-align:top;height:40px;} Thanks to my beloved church I am continually growing and now have a clear understanding that marriage is not a status, contract or just a means to "rightly" bring children into the world. This is a decision to join in to a...

What Drives Sin?

09 May 2013, Posted by BoB in All Posts, Spiritual Talk

Through my spiritual growth I have come across another gem. An associate pastor of my church gave us a way to look at what is driving our desires (lust of the eye, lust of the flesh and the pride of life). Check to...

Dogs vs. Men

21 Mar 2013, Posted by BoB in All Posts, Personal Topics, Spiritual Talk {border:1px solid;width:270px;} {border:1px solid;padding:10px;vertical-align:top;font-weight:bold;font-size:16px;} {border:1px solid;padding:10px;vertical-align:top;height:40px;} I am going off the regular IT beaten path to share something I learned this past weekend. I had the pleasure of hearing a Christian speaker that shared some information with me that would help in future relationships that I choose...

DNS Changer Info

09 Jul 2012, Posted by BoB in All Posts, Computer Talk, Network Talk

Here are some useful links if you are concerned about this DNS changer malware. (Video breakdown of malware and resolution) (Website with more info) Make sure DNS IPs in your computer and/or router do not match these before any other steps are taken: - - -...

Leave Message

12 Jul 2011, Posted by BoB in All Posts, Website Talk

<script type="text/javascript"> window.onbeforeunload = confirmExit; function confirmExit() { return "Did you remember to click SAVE?"; } </script> (Paste above code after the <head> tag) ...

URL Encoding

06 Jun 2011, Posted by BoB in All Posts, Website Talk {border:1px solid;width:100%;} {border:1px solid;width:50%;padding:10px;vertical-align:top;font-weight:bold;font-size:16px;} {border:1px solid;width:50%;padding:10px;vertical-align:top;height:40px;} ASCII CharacterURL-encoding space%20 !%21 "%22 #%23 $%24 %%25 &%26 '%27 (%28 )%29 *%2A +%2B ,%2C -%2D .%2E /%2F 0%30 1%31 2%32 3%33 4%34 5%35 6%36 7%37 8%38 9%39 :%3A ;%3B <%3C =%3D >%3E ?%3F @%40 A%41 B%42 C%43 D%44 E%45 F%46 G%47 H%48 I%49 J%4A K%4B L%4C M%4D N%4E O%4F P%50 Q%51 R%52 S%53 T%54 U%55 V%56 W%57 X%58 Y%59 Z%5A [%5B \%5C ]%5D ^%5E _%5F `%60 a%61 b%62 c%63 d%64 e%65 f%66 g%67 h%68 i%69 j%6A k%6B l%6C m%6D n%6E o%6F p%70 q%71 r%72 s%73 t%74 u%75 v%76 w%77 x%78 y%79 z%7A {%7B |%7C }%7D ~%7E €%80 ‚%82 ƒ%83 „%84 …%85 †%86 ‡%87 ˆ%88 ‰%89 Š%8A ‹%8B Œ%8C Ž%8E ‘%91 ’%92 “%93 ”%94 •%95 –%96 —%97 ˜%98 ™%99 š%9A ›%9B œ%9C ž%9E Ÿ%9F ¡%A1 ¢%A2 £%A3 ¥%A5 |%A6 §%A7 ¨%A8 ©%A9 ª%AA «%AB ¬%AC ¯%AD ®%AE ¯%AF °%B0 ±%B1 ²%B2 ³%B3 ´%B4 µ%B5 ¶%B6 ·%B7 ¸%B8 ¹%B9 º%BA »%BB ¼%BC ½%BD ¾%BE ¿%BF À%C0 Á%C1 Â%C2 Ã%C3 Ä%C4 Å%C5 Æ%C6 Ç%C7 È%C8 É%C9 Ê%CA Ë%CB Ì%CC Í%CD Î%CE Ï%CF Ð%D0 Ñ%D1 Ò%D2 Ó%D3 Ô%D4 Õ%D5 Ö%D6 Ø%D8 Ù%D9 Ú%DA Û%DB Ü%DC Ý%DD Þ%DE ß%DF à%E0 á%E1 â%E2 ã%E3 ä%E4 å%E5 æ%E6 ç%E7 è%E8 é%E9 ê%EA ë%EB ì%EC í%ED î%EE ï%EF ð%F0 ñ%F1 ò%F2 ó%F3 ô%F4 õ%F5 ö%F6 ÷%F7 ø%F8 ù%F9 ú%FA û%FB ü%FC ý%FD þ%FE ÿ%FF ...