linux Tag

Linux Sheet

23 Aug 2013, Posted by BoB in All Posts, Computer Talk, Website Talk

Just some commands that I found useful since using Linux: Above is a good link to get a web server up and running. /etc/init.d/apache2 start  -  start apache services /etc/init.d/apache2 stop  -  stop apache services /etc/init.d/apache2 restart  -  restart apache services apt-get install <package>  -  install packages apt-get upgrade  -  upgrade...

Bash Sheet

13 Aug 2013, Posted by BoB in All Posts, Computer Talk

Here is an example of a loop that will compress and send how ever many files are found to another server. !/bin/bash first_list='/ [path] / [to] / [files] / *.*' for raw in $first_list do gzip -9 $raw done second_list='/ [path] / [to] / [files] / *.gz' for gz in $second_list do scp $gz [user]...

Iptables Sheet

13 Aug 2013, Posted by BoB in All Posts, Computer Talk, Network Talk

Here is a breakdown of some iptable commands. udp - User Datagram Protocol (streams without checking) tcp - Transmission Control Protocol (checks if destination is available) # input and output commands -A OUTPUT -d [IP ADDRESS] -o eth0 -p tcp --dport [DESTINATION PORT NUMBER] -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -d [IP...


28 Apr 2011, Posted by BoB in All Posts, Computer Talk, Network Talk, Website Talk

Permissions: u - User who owns the file. g - Group that owns the file. o - Other. a - All. r - Read the file. w - Write or edit the file. x - Execute or run the file as a program. Numeric Permissions: 400 read by owner 040 read by group 004 read by...

Script Time Sheet

26 Apr 2011, Posted by BoB in All Posts, Website Talk {border:1px solid;width:100%;} {border:1px solid;width:20%;padding:10px;vertical-align:top;font-weight:bold;font-size:16px;} {border:1px solid;width:20%;padding:10px;vertical-align:top;height:40px;} This is a script time reference sheet (in seconds) (known to be used in .htaccess): 300 = 5 MINS 600 = 10 MINS 900 = 15 MINS 1800 = 30 MINS 2700 = 45 MINS 3600 = 1 HR 7200 = 2 HRS 10800 = 3 HRS 14400 = 4 HRS 18000...