scripts Tag

SQS Message Retrieval (File Based)

20 May 2021, Posted by BoB in All Posts, Computer Talk

First, thank you to Tamás Sallai for getting me on the right track. I originally started building this script with "for msg in `aws sqs receive-message --queue-url $QUEUE_URL --max-number-of-messages 10`" but then came across his post. For those struggling with this right now hope it...

Bash Sheet

13 Aug 2013, Posted by BoB in All Posts, Computer Talk

Here is an example of a loop that will compress and send how ever many files are found to another server. !/bin/bash first_list='/ [path] / [to] / [files] / *.*' for raw in $first_list do gzip -9 $raw done second_list='/ [path] / [to] / [files] / *.gz' for gz in $second_list do scp $gz [user]...